
Tuesday 31 January 2012

Machu Picchu, Cusco, and an Amazonian Xmas not exactly as planned

Mid to late Dec 2011

A short internal flight over the highlands of the Andes took us to Cusco - former capital city of the ancient Incan empire. Sitting 3,400 m above sea level, Cusco is a relatively large and busteling town, and a perfectly adapted pit stop for gringos and tourists trekking the Inca trail and visiting Machu Picchu. At the airport we met Rich, our tour guide who would be taking us up some of the continent's highest peaks and then back down to sea level beaches. Apparently you can find anything in Cusco and, although undoubtedly true from the hordes of tourist shops, this led us to nickname the town Harrods.

Our first, and probably most world-renowned, tourist attraction was the legendary archological site of Machu Picchu. Meaning 'ol mountain' this self-cotained site was famously discovered by the American explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911. When he discovered the ruins they were almost completely encased in overgrown jungle, and it is for this reason that they remained so pristinely preserved since the 16th century - it was only really the outlying structures that had to be restored. The ruins comprise a small town adjacent to a set of agricultural terraces fed by natural springs. Many tourists opt to trek the 4-day 3-night Inca trail to Machu Picchu, as a lovely young Aussie couple in our group did, but there is also a train that runs back and forth from Cusco, meaning you can do Machu Picchu in a day trip. And this is the option we went for. Well, you get to a certain age don't you? :-) Machu Picchu really was breathtaking. Through the clouds, viewers greet Machu Picchu from a bird's eye view, and i was particularly struck by the lush green colour of the grass (a consequence of the highly fertile soils and voluminous rainfall) as well as the obvious hierarchical layout of the site - as our guide pointed out, your placement in society determined where you lay your head.

We also went on day trip to the Sacred Valley of the Incas and found proof that the Incas were way ahead if their time in home entertainment...

We arrived in Cusco about a week before Xmas day. Travelling at this time of the year is a surreal experience; your head knows it's appoaching and there are sporadic festive reminders of it - the occasional town square Xmas tree, a dancing Santa and friends' Facebook status updates- but since Latin America doesn't go mad for it, and while experiencing travellers' disorientation and a complete unawareness of what day it is, its very difficult to imagine people back at home going through the usual xmas rituals of batteling the Oxford street carniage and buying M&S turkey and cranberry sarnies. I must admit that it was nice to have no Xmas pressures this year!

Xmas wishes from The Amazon

With Xmas only days away, we stowed our backpacks in our hotel in Cusco and set off on our trip to The Amazon. It's only a 1-hour flight to Puerto Maldonado, the main town serving this section of the Peruvian Amazon jungle and we arrived at the airport raring to get gtYng on our Amazonionan adventure. But now it was our time to experience something very typically South American - a strike. So after being told that our particular flight was still going ahead, just with delay, we checked in and waited patiently. And waited some more. Then had some lunch made by a man with a story, and waited a little longer. After about 6 hours of waiting, we gave up and solmanly begun our journey back to Cusco. However, on the bus back we got a call saying the flight was on its way, so with a renewed sence of jubilation we turned around and managed to make our flight! We were in Puerto Maldonado that evening. Better late than never!

For obvious reasons, tourists are not able to venture too deep into the jungle so the locations that most tourists go to sit on the edge of the jungle. Our eco-lodge was on the Madre de Dios river, a major tributary of the Amazon river. We stayed in small wooden cabins and were taken on excursions through the jungle where we were shown a wealth of flaura and fauna unique to the ecosystem that included birds, insects, huuuuuge trees, flowers and medicinal plants. One of the best trips was a nighttime canoe ride to look for aligators - we saw loads!

Waking up in the Amazon on Xmas day was certainly one to remember. We had an Xmas breakfast and exchanged wishes of merriment with all the other guests. By mid morning we were back on our motorised canoe heading for Puerto Maldonado airport and our flight back to Cusco where a Peruvian Xmas dinner was waiting for us (a guinea pig-free menu). Unfortunately the strike reared its ugly head and we were once again left playing the waiting game. But this time we were not as lucky with the outcome...after a good half day at the smallest airport I've ever been to, we were told our plane would not make it to Puerto Maldonado and with the strike likely to continue into the next day, we decided to take a 10-h overnight bus back to Cusco instead. Despite this, we were all in reasonably good spirits, even though we also had to catch another 7-h bus to catch from Cusco to Puno the very next day. Now, I actually don't mind all these eternal bus journeys but while at the airport I felt the unmistakable wave of illness descend over me and by the time we got onto the second bus I was not in a good way.

Unluckily, things went from bad to worse - I became more and more sick with some kind of bug and by the time we got to Puno, i was bearly able to get out of bed. I stayed there for 3 days. Unable to eat anything solid the whole time (and for a few days after), I survived on Gatorade and the odd slice of melon from the breakfast buffet. I couldn't even watch man v food without feeling nauseous. I sadly missed seeing the floating island and Lake Titicata, but by the time it came for us to move onto our next destination I was thankfully feeling much stronger. And my pals all helped out and looked after me heaps :-)

From Puno it was on to La Paz, Bolivia's capital and the highest capital city in the world.

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