
Sunday 13 November 2011

Chicken Pizza and an Island of Women

I´ve arrived and hit the ground running! First of all, I stand corrected on my opinion of Cancun...The city is colourful, buzzing and full of character - at least, that is the case in the downtown hub of central Cancun where my (fantastic) hostel was. However, I saw a very different town when we drove through the main resort area. In this part of town, huge sterile, impersonal hotels take over the skyline and it´s a shame that most people staying in these resorts - and lining the pockets of the Hilton family - will probably not see, smell or hear the real Cancun.

The hostel I stayed in was a great introduction to backpacking life! It was clean, colourful and run by an extremely friendly team. Dinner and breakfast were included in the price and were had on a table outside with all other hostellers. A great way of meeting people! 

On Day numero uno I went on a tour of Chichen Itza (also known by the alias of Chicken Pizza) - a Mayan temple holding a "new seven wonders of the world" accolade. It was a pretty impressive ruin and is renowned for its accuracy as a calander. It unfortunately suffered from what so many of these world-popular attractions suffer from: 1) too many tourists of the American persuasion 2) too much tat for tourists to buy. Nonetheless, it was interesting and worth seeing.

I then spent a night on Isla Mujeres, a small island (where pirates used to store their women friends) about 20 minutes´ boat ride from Cancun with some lovely people I met in my Cancun hostel. The hostel I stayed at was located directly on the beach and had a strong new age vibe (lot´s of enviromentally conscious, aging hippies camping or hammocking on the beach front).

Returing to land, I embarked on my first Latin American bus journey to Playa del Carmen, a beach resort about an hour outside Cancun. Latin America is famed for it´s excellent and cheap bus journeys that travel through the breadth of the continent. Being an avid bus user (thanks London) and supporter of public transport, I am actually looking forward to the hundreds of bus journeys I will have over the next few months (although don´t quote me on this - I am fully aware this feeling may change!!)


  1. perro tejonero!

  2. The island looks wonderful. Good job there were no pirates

  3. Ames, been waiting for your updates! Leep up the good work! Sounds like you're having an awesome time already! xxx
